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Welcome back to Term 3!


Dear Parents / Carers,

Happy New Year to you all. We hope you've had a lovely break together. It would be great for us to see your celebrations on Earwig.


Your child’s swimming sessions will continue to be on a Monday. Please send in their swimming kit at the start of the week. Swimming kits should include - swimming costume or swimming shorts, swim nappy, tegaderm (if required), 2 towels and shower gel.

Patio Play

Patio play will be on Tuesday morning, joining Henleaze infant school playtime with our new friends.

Home-school contact

Please use the home-school diary or email me with any questions you may have or information you want to share. If you need to speak to us for any reason please phone the school office on 0117 353 3622.

If your child is going to be absent, we really appreciate an early morning phone call to the office by 8.30am, and a message left on the answering machine, as this greatly helps us plan our staffing. Thank you. 

Reminder of what’s needed in school

  • A spare set of clothes
  • A supply of pads (nappies) and wet wipes. We will write in the diary if these are running low.
  • Snacks, drinks etc if your child needs these.
  • Any medications that are administered during the school day.


We will regularly upload photos and videos onto the Earwig app so you can see what your child has been doing in school. Please add any comments or upload your own photos to share with us, we love your feedback and seeing what you do together at home! If you have any access issues please let us know.

Dates for your diary

February Parents Valentine Morning (Date to be confirmed}

Many thanks,

Zoe and the P4 Early Years Team