Welcome back to Term 1!
Welcome back to school - I hope that you all had a good half-term holiday. We are pleased to welcome Melina as a new LSA in our team.
Term 1 Theme
This term we will be continuing the theme of Media. We will be doing lots more fun media themed activities - sensory stories, cooking, music and games. We will then move on to Christmas related activities for the last few weeks of term. We are even hoping to make a short movie/ show and present it to you closer to Christmas. We will continue our weekly enrichment activities with students from Redland Green and will be getting to know each other a bit more and enjoy creating music and participating in games!RSE
We will continue to cover the area ‘Keeping safe and looking after myself.’
RE - This term we will be having a Christmas assembly - we are lucky enough to have Redland Church leading this. We will be learning about Christmas and will also have assemblies for: Bonfire night; Remembrance day; Anti Bullying week; World hello day and International Day of Disabilities.Swimming
Swimming will be on Tuesdays this year. Please send a costume, 2 towels, tegaderms and continence pants into school on Tuesday morning and we will return it for washing when we have used it. At the moment we are unable to use our swimming pool, however a plan is being made and will be shared with you in due time.Home-school contact
Please use the home-school diary or email either of us with any questions and updates. If you need to speak to us for any reason please phone the school office on 01173533450 (Redland campus) If your child is going to be absent for any reason we really appreciate an early morning phone call to the office by 8.30am and a message left on the answering machine, as this greatly helps us plan our staffing. Thank you.
Reminder of what’s needed in school
- Change of clothes kept in school, useful for any messy days.
- A supply of pads (nappies) , wet wipes and creams if needed. (We will write in your diary if these are running low.)
- Clothes that are appropriate for the weather, especially during outdoor learning sessions.
- Emergency medication and spare buttons, daily medication as well as occasional medication (eg. paracetamol) - Please check medication and button dates.
We will be continuing to add photos and comments about what your child gets up to at school If you have any access issues do let us know. We would love to see what your child has been getting up to over the summer if you could send us some photos!
Dates for your diary
Thursday 15th November- Children in Need( don’t forget to send your child in dressed in their pyjamas!)
Friday 6th December- INSET day
Thursday 12th December - Visit to Redland Church for Christmas Story Assembly
Monday 16th December- School Performance ( more information to come in due time)
Wednesday 18th December- Christingle assembly in school
Friday 20th December - Last day of school
Michelle Coe
Dora Stratou