Welcome back to Term 6!
Hope you have had a lovely break. Here is a slightly different format to our termly letters. We can’t believe it is term 6 already - this year has flown by.
Term 6 Theme
Our theme this term is ‘Gert Lush Bristol!’ We are aiming to learn about Bristol and the various festivals and celebrations that are specific to Bristol such as the balloon fiesta, Kite festival, upfest and the harbourside festival.
As well as these we will be looking at where we live in Bristol and the different types of buildings there are.
We are planning on carrying out some art and design sessions based on both buildings and events in Bristol. We are planning on writing postcards from different places and maybe doing some Banksy style Art work!
Could you please email us with a photo of your child outside their house - we will be looking at a map of Bristol and where the class live in relation to key areas (such as school/harbourside/Ashton Court etc)
Our religious Education coverage this term will be the Jewish celebration of Shavuot on 10th June and then the Muslim festival of Eid Al Adha on 15th July.
This term we will be recapping body parts with the inclusion of our reproductive organs for both males and females and looking at the differences between them.
Swimming and Rebound
We are currently getting risk assessments completed and signed off by physios ready for starting rebound and are hoping that we might fit in some sessions this term.
We will keep you updated regarding swimming and are ever hopeful that it will start his term.
Home-school contact
Please do write any comments you wish us to answer, or you feel would be useful for us to know (such as restless night etc) into their diaries. If you wish to start a clean page there is a section on the front of the sheet that says comments from home - we can then continue to add to this sheet on that day.
If your child is ill or has an appointment, please let school know as soon as possible. A reminder that you can also email us if you have any questions or need to pass information to us.
Reminder of what’s needed in school
Please ensure your child brings a spare button (if applicable), tube extensions (if applicable), pads and wipes, medications. We will aim to let you know when we are running low but please do check any medications often.
Well done and thank you to those of you who have managed to login and look at the learning that takes place in school. You can also add any fun things you do at home so that this can be shared with friends. It would be lovely to see what you have been doing over the break and if anyone took part in any Jubilee activities.
Dates for your diary
Wednesday 22nd June - Transition Coffee Morning 9.30 - 11.30
We would like to invite you to join our class for a cafe experience! Following the success of the street food cafe we held last term we would like to invite you in for a ‘taste’ of the event.
The event will also involve thinking about the different choices of placement post Claremont - there will also be guest speakers!
Friday 1st July (provisionally) - class ten pin bowling trip. The rotary club have kindly offered to pay for us to go bowling!! We aim to be back in time for lunch on this day.
Wednesday 13th July- Moving on Day. We invite you to join us at 2pm to meet your child’s new team in their new classroom.
We are going to start a transition process for our class as they move to post 16. We will aim for them to visit their new class on a regular basis throughout the term so that they can be prepared for September. If you have any questions regarding this, please get in touch.
S4 Class Team