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Claremont Special


Welcome to the back S6!

I hope that you have had a good half-term and enjoyed the extended bank holiday weekend.

Term 6 Theme 

The theme for term 6 is “Gert Lush Bristol”. We will hopefully be taking advantage of the summer weather when it arrives and going out around the school, for walks in the local environment and hopefully on a bus trip to the Docks.  We will be looking at nature in the local environment and doing some gardening activities to make our outside area look more colourful and inviting and some pupils will be working towards the ASDAN unit “Engaging with the world around you; the natural environment”.  


This term we will be focusing in assemblies on the sensory experiences associated with 2 festivals: the Jewish festival of Shavout and the Muslim festival of Eid al Adha


The theme for RSE for this term is “My Body” so we will be doing activities to teach body awareness and talking about changes in bodily features as you grow up.

Home-school contact

Please feel free to write any comments / questions that you have onto the pre-printed sheets in the home school folder. If you want any changes made to the sheets please let me know as they can be amended for each pupil.

Reminder of what’s needed in school

Please continue to send in change of clothes, pads, spare button if appropriate and all medicines etc as you have been doing. As we intend to go outside a bit more often this term, please could you send in sunscreen / hats / rainwear as appropriate!


We continue to share photos and comments about the activities that we are doing in school regularly via earwig so please do log onto your account and have a look!  Please let me know if you have any problems logging on and I will get them sorted!  You can also add any fun things you do at home so that this can be shared with friends.  It would be lovely to see what you have been doing over the break and if anyone took part in any Jubilee activities.

Dates for your diary

Wednesday 22nd June - Transition Coffee Morning 9.30 - 11.30 in life skills at the Redland site. Please come and meet Moira to find out more information about provision after Claremont.

Friday July 1st - Wrong Trousers Charity Day. All the pupils will be having fun engaging in activities organised by the school council at the Henleaze site. More details to follow.

We will let you know the dates of any trips as soon as they are confirmed.

Wednesday 13th July- Moving on Day. We invite you to join us at 2pm to meet your child’s new team in their new classroom.

S5 Class Team

Home Learning Activities