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T1 News

Term 6

Last term we loved looking after Ruby the class Hamster and learning about what she needed to survive. We each had a different job that we focused on from cleaning her cage to filling her water bowl.

We also enjoyed regular swim sessions and starting ‘The Orbit’ our newspaper that we shared with the whole school. We added film reviews, joke of the week and even the weather report in to it.

This term we have started back hard with our DofE expedition and went to Westonbirt and Slimbridge for two days. We will also be continuing to look at jobs in the community and developing our skills at the Ardagh centre and jobs around school. 







We will be swimming on a Thursday this term and will spend the whole day at secondary school.

Music Therapy will still be on a Wednesday and we are looking forward to our school council sessions where we are looking at developing sports day.


If you have any carrier bags that you do not need then please consider donating

 them to school - we do get through a lot of them.


If your child is unwell please do not send them into school as we do not want

 illnesses spreading, and if you are not sure if you should send them in please 

contact the school to ask.

Important information & Dates for your diary

5th and 6th June - Bronze DofE expedition

RGS Music Morning Event and Claremont Orchestra performance Thursday 13th June

Thursday 4th July - Moving on fair at Kingsweston school! 

9th July- Prom for 2024 leavers

 Whole day class trip- Wednesday 17th July