T2 News
Hello again! Welcome back from a well deserved and needed week off, the team and I are so pleased to be back. We have some important meeting and events this term so please keep an eye on the school diaries for letters
With this in mind please be aware of your child’s EHCP document and the date of your annual review. This is your opportunity to question anything and speak directly about concerns or worries you may have. Any questions on this please feel free to contact me.Absence
If your child shows any signs of illness or symptoms and is likely to be off school please can you inform us as soon as possible. This can either be directly to the school reception team on 0117 3533450, before 8.30a.m or via my email. We do encourage you that if your child is unwell that you consider the health and wellbeing of other pupils and staff in the class as this can have a significant impact on what we can achieve in school.
Term 2’s agenda: Claremont Activity Diploma work, Topic Music and we will rock you, community inclusion, post 16 connect with Kingsweston school.
This year we will be looking at careers in detail and trying to discover some links with companies. This will be in a work capacity and an “experience” setting so the pupils get the chance to visit new environments and places. With this in mind if you know of any businesses that might be interested in working with us please get in contact with me
RSE - We will be learning about “Looking after ourselves and personal care”.
Swimming and Rebound
The secondary pool continues to be closed until further notic, but we will endeavour to keep you informed.
Swimming will continue on Wednesday mornings for T2 and Thursdays at secondary for T1, however there will be weeks where we have to be reactive and change our day to ensure we try and get swimming supported as much as possible. Sessions will now relate to the provision as stated in the EHCP document for each pupil as we prioritise those pupils who need physical intervention. However, we do understand how much hydrotherapy benefits in other areas and where possible we will swim as much as possible.
Please continue to send in two large towels, tegaderm and shampoo and shower gel as well as swimming costumes.
Rebound - I am now rebound trained and we have started our rebound sessions, with the pupils who can participate enjoying the activity. There is some evidence on Earwig for those who have managed to rebound, more will be added soon.
Home-school contactPlease use the home-school diary or email me with any questions and updates. It would be useful to know if your child is out of sorts, has had any additional medications (eg paracetamol/antibiotics) etc.
If you need to speak to me urgently please phone the school office.
If your child is going to be absent for any reason we really appreciate an early morning phone call to the office and a message left on the answering machine, as this greatly helps us plan our staffing. Thank you.
Reminder of what’s needed in school
- Change of clothes kept in school, useful for any messy days.
- A supply of pads, wet wipes and creams if needed. (We will write in your diary if these are running low.)
- Emergency medication and spare buttons as well as any daily medication as well as occasional medication (eg. paracetamol) - Please check medication and button dates. Please be reminded that medication will now be stored in school.
- Snacks and squash if your child needs these.
- Clothes that are appropriate for the weather, especially during outdoor learning sessions.
- Blanket to go over laps when the weather is really cold.
We will continue to add photos and comments about what your child is getting up to at school.
Please note - we do a lot more than we can possibly share and will do our best to keep you informed.
If you have any issues accessing Earwig please do let us know. Please continue to make use of the extra feature where you can send us photos, comments or videos of what your child has been doing at home - This is lovely for your child to see and share with Staff.
Dates for your diary
- Thursday 14th November - Children in Need
- Sunday 1st December - Pupils Christmas party @ primary.
- Friday 6th December - Inset day
- Thursday 12th December - Post 16 connect day at Briarwood.
- Thursday 19th December - Post 16 Christmas performance at Secondary.
As you can see it is promising to be a busy term. We have already managed to do so much this term and hopefully this can continue.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your continued support
Gareth Excell
Class teacher